Terms & Conditions
Please ensure you have not previously purchased any of the designs in your shopping cart before finalizing payment. Refunds will not be processed for duplicate purchases. It is "YOUR" responsibility to ensure you didn't previously purchase any product.
All designs have been tested and retested to assure quality. However we suggest testing a design prior to using it on your project as different fabrics require different stabilizing. Hooping, thread and machine tension will also play a large role in how a design stitches out.
All design files are the property of Fit 2b Stitched. You may embroider these designs on items for personal use or on items for sale. You may not transfer, sell, share, or post these design files or images of them anywhere without written permission. If you have any questions, please contact us at the "contact us" link below
Any information collected on this website will not be sold or given to any other company and is for the exclusive use of Fit 2b Stitched.
Please feel free to contact any of us with any questions.
Thanks for your patronage.
from Stitched Dreams by Rhonda are the exclusive property of Stitched
Dreams by Rhonda. You may not transfer, sell, share or post these
design files or images without written permission from Rhonda at
Designs from Irene's Magic Stitches are the exclusive property of Irene's Magic Stitches.
You may not transfer, sell, share or post these design files or images without written permission from Irene at 2sisters@fit2bstitched.com
Designs from Carmen's Creations are the exclusive property of Fit 2B Stitched.
You may not transfer, sell, share or post these design files or images without written permission from Fit 2B Stitched
You may find similar designs or items on other web sites, this is purely coincidence.
Please feel free to contact any of us with any questions.
We look forward to hearing from you!